Saturday, November 2, 2019

Prone-O Surfboard Design

Prone surfing has traditionally been viewed as the wimpy outcastlandia of elder surfers and unbalanced dweebatronics but it's a wide open frontier actually.

It makes a 5 foot wave into a double overheader perceptually and is much kinder on wipe-outs. Much more tube time.......

This board is the end result of this designers quest for the ideal prone riding surfboard. The tail is broad for ease of wave catching. The width goes 5" more than the usual widest available board. The rocker is relatively flat like a fish.

Vastly increased perception of speed with your face inches above the power source. Emphasis on glide over extreme maneuvering. Dare we call it.... gasp.... "soul surfing" material.

Hippy dippy early 70s retro surf spirituality...... so sue me, melon farmer.

The Utterly Soul Crushing Costs of Altiplano Living

  So many choices but so mega expensive thus....... The ways I suffer down here at latitude 17 north. This eternal spring weather, with atte...