Friday, December 11, 2020

Constrictor Knot How-To


This does NOT slip. I have used this on the ground end of walking sticks to prevent splitting. Throw on a coat of varnish and they can last for years. Used it also on sail rig lashings on chinese junk sails I have built. FUN TO TIE TOO.

Screaming Mat Surfer


Being a surf "elder" now (and NOT gifted, embued with salty wisdom, or particularly experienced beyond the average) the classic soul surfing quotient rules my particular day. To go out alone or with a good friend is deeply appreciated especially if avoiding contact with the high amp, selfish contingent (i.e. most of surfers).

 Flat out FLYING mat footage. As my balance has eroded with age my appreciation of the intimate interface between man and ocean via a thin fabric membrane intensifies. Along with the raw sensation of speed from having ones eyes inches from the waters surface, ease of tube time, and the sensation of G*L*I*D*E.........................

The Utterly Soul Crushing Costs of Altiplano Living

  So many choices but so mega expensive thus....... The ways I suffer down here at latitude 17 north. This eternal spring weather, with atte...